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Due to demand from commerce and industry, we began doing installation work in 1980. We have always focussed on installation of better quality branded products using skilled labour. Listed alphabetically below are some of the clients we have worked for, and buildings we have worked in, over the years:
120 Plein Street | J Muller Laboratories |
Aigab Body Corporate | KWV Paarl |
1A Milton Road | Karl Storz Endoscopy |
28 Marine Drive | Kfm Radio 94.5 |
Absa Bank | Klein Karoo Co-op |
ADT | Kohler Master Jewellers |
Amanda Katz Architects | Kyocera |
Ashersons Attorneys | Laser Transport |
Aucon Group | Lewis Stores Head Office |
Cape Grace Hotel | MTE Studios |
Audi Cape Town | Mariners Wharf |
Auto Atlantic | Marks Building |
Barlows Ltd | Marshall’s Group |
Berry Bush BBDO | Masterparts |
Blue Continent Products | Mayers Bridal Shop |
Blues Restaurant | Media 24 |
Boardmans | Medscheme |
British Consulate | Melrose Arch |
British Council | Meltzer / Mphoto |
C.N.A.-Gallo | Metal Windows |
C.R.K Caledon | Mortons Restaurant |
Canadian High Commission | Motor Industry Federation (MIF) |
Cape Regional Chamber of Commerce & Industry | National Assembly: Parliamentary Complex |
Cape Talk Radio (567 AM) | National Intelligence Agency |
Cape Town City Council: Estates Division | One and Only Hotel |
Cape Town Fire & Rescue Services | Panalux |
Cape Town Highlanders (SANDF) | Peter Gilder Jewellers |
Cape Town Rifles HQ (SANDF) | Piazza St John – Sea Point |
Cape Town Teachers Training College | President’s Council |
Cape Underwear | Prins Productions |
Carrol Boyes | Protea Assurance |
Chapman’s Peak Fisheries | Protea Place |
Chilean Consulate | Punt Gesels Radio |
Chubb | Richard Kane Furskins |
City of Cape Town: Mayoral Suite | S.A Container Depots |
City of Cape Town: Parks & Bathing Amenities | S.A Museum |
Direct Access | SZE Tax Advisory |
City Treasurer: Cape Town | Safmarine |
CK Friedlander Attorneys | Safmarine Computer Services |
Clareinch Nurses Home | Saint. Johns Ambulance Association |
Clarion Property Projects | Sandak Lewin Trust |
Coastal Property Management | Sanlam |
Community Development Resource Association | Sectional Title Management |
Crown National | Shell House |
CT International Airport (DETEX Panic Bars) | Simpsons Attorneys |
De Beers Group | Singer Property Group |
Dekker & Associates | Sonnenbergs Attorneys |
Deloitte & Touche | Southern Oceanics |
Department of Correctional Services | Standard Bank (DETEX panic bars) |
Department of Public Works & Land Affairs | Steers Property Group |
Department of Transport | Stellenbosch Farmers Winery |
Design Centre | Stuttafords Home Store |
Distell | Tafelberg Furnishers |
Donaldsons Filtration Systems | Tarleys Trust Management |
Douglas Green | Telkom Exploratorium |
Edgars | The Design Company |
Engen Cape Town | Thompson Africa |
Engen Court Cape Town | Tiletoria |
Engen Durban | Tongaat Mushrooms |
Eskom Koeberg Power Station | Topics Stores |
Exactocraft | Trafalgar Property Management |
Fidelity Bank | Trencor Services |
First National Bank | Truworths |
Franschoek Municipality | Tullow Oil |
Freddy Firsch Group | Tuna Marine |
German Consulate | Tuynhuis |
Gray Security Services | Tygerberg Hospital |
Groote Schuur Hospital: Department of Psychiatry | University of Cape Town |
H. Tarley & Co | Verwoerd Building (120 Plein street) |
Hothouse | Villa Pescatori |
Henred Fruehauf Trailers | Villa d’Azur |
Identity Stores (Emergency Exit hardware) | Village Gate: Hout Bay |
Ince Wood & Raubenheimer | Waltons |
Independent Software | Western Province Co-op |
International Safes | Western Province Rugby |
Itro Holdings | Whirlpool SA |
Ivor Garb | Zara Stores (Emergency Exit Hardware) |
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